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Company SYSGO GmbH
in Klein-Winternheim
23.02.2025 Updated on: 23.02.2025
Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: SYSGO GmbH SYSGO is the leading European provider of real-timeoperating systems for critical embedded applications in the Internetof Things (IoT). Our products have been designed to meet the highestrequirements when it comes to Safety and Security. Our customers areleading players in the Aerospace, Railway, Automotive and IndustrialAutomation industries, who use our PikeOS product as a platform forcritical systems that need to be certified against industry-specificSafety and Security standards. Founded in 1991 and based in Germany,SYSGO has also subsidiaries in France, the Czech Republic andmaintains a world-wide distribution network. The company is part ofthe European Thales Group. Your Tasks Solutions Architect or FAE forAutomotive, Transportation, Industrial...