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  • New Work SEx
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  • Company New Work SE in Hamburg
    14.01.2025 Updated on: 20.01.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: As a Senior Data Engineer in our BI team, you will play a pivotal rolein designing, managing, and optimizing our Snowflake-based datawarehouse. Your responsibilities will include developing ETLprocesses, data modeling, maintaining high data quality standards, andcollaborating with the BI and Analytics teams to provide actionableinsights. This position is ideal for someone with strong technicalexpertise in Snowflake, Airflow, dbt, SQL, and data warehousing, aswell as a passion for solving complex data challenges. Our BI teamconsists of Product Owner, Data Modelers & Data Engineers. Togetherwith our colleagues from the Analytics department, we are responsibleto deliver data products for our stakeholders to enable data drivensteering & decision making. Your tasks:...

  • Company New Work SE in Hamburg
    10.01.2025 Updated on: 12.01.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Are you passionate about turning data into actionable insights? Do youwant to be a part of a team that shapes the future of professional jobnetworking? If you are passionate about not only analyzing data butalso deriving actionable recommendations and supporting theirimplementation with important business partners, we want you on ourteam! We're looking for a talented Data Scientist to join ouranalytics team at NEW WORK SE in Valencia or in Barcelona (Spain).We're seeking a highly analytical individual with a strong technicalbackground who identifies with their results and knows how tocommunicate them with conviction. If you thrive on solving complexproblems and are excited about leveraging data to drive strategicdecisions, we want to hear from you! Your tasks: ...

  • Company New Work SE in Hamburg
    08.01.2025 Updated on: 27.01.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Our User Engagement Platforms team provides technical foundations forNew-Work's data-driven products and marketing activities. We are theconnecting link between business and technology departments and workwith a variety of teams, such as Product, Marketing and Data Science.For these departments we build and maintain in-house services as wellas owning external Services for our stakeholders. To name a few: We'retechnically responsible for our Customer Data Platform, tagmanagement, audience management and marketing automation. And inaddition to pure technical topics, we are also involved in businessrelated initiatives like attribution modelling and consultingrespective teams from a technical perspective. Your tasks: Being incharge of the design of Data Pipelines i...

  • Company New Work SE in Hamburg
    08.01.2025 Updated on: 28.01.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Als Mitarbeiter:in des "Accounting" Teams wird dir bestimmt nichtlangweilig. Neben der laufenden Buchhaltung sind wir auch für dieAbschlüsse der NEW WORK SE zuständig. Da wir Schnittstellen zusämtlichen Abteilungen haben, leben wir Networking jeden Tag auchaußerhalb der digitalen Welt! Deine Aufgaben: Zuständig für dieDebitorenbuchhaltung und die ausgehenden Rechnungen. Prüfung derRechnungen anhand der vertraglichen sowie gesetzlichen Anforderungenund Überwachung der Zahlungen. Verantwortung für die Überwachungder offenen Posten und das damit verbundene Mahnwesen. Schriftlicheund telefonische Korrespondenz mit internen und externenAnsprechpartnern. Mitwirkung bei regelmäßigen Monats- undJahresabschlussarbeiten. Enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Controlling undregelmä...

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