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  • Company Max Born Institut in Berlin
    02.02.2025 Updated on: 04.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: The Max-Born-Institute invites applications for a Masters student(m/f/d) in ultrafast electron diffraction imaging of photochemicalreactions Job profile: Light can initiate numerous chemical reactions,which may be beneficial (e.g., in the process of vision) or harmful(e.g., causing mutations which may lead to cancer). So far, knowledgeof the reaction mechanisms in these processes is still not known. Theevolution and outcome of these photo-induced processes is determinedby sub-Ångström changes in the position of atoms within an excitedmolecular or lattice structure evolving on a timescale as fast as afew hundred femtoseconds (fs). Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) isoften employed to directly image the structural dynamics ofphoto-induced picosecond gas-phase ...

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