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Company Liebherr-Digital Development Center GmbH
in Ulm
Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Liebherr-Digital Development Center GmbH in Ulm develops digitalsolutions for the entire Liebherr Group. Our passionate team from theareas of software development, engineering and data science workstogether on various projects from the whole Liebherr product world.Our mission: creating outstanding digital experiences! Yourresponsibilities Utilize design and prototyping tools to createuser-centered concepts of digital products and services (apps,websites, platforms) Translate complex design concepts and decisionsinto understandable and compelling narratives Employ appropriatemethods and workflows to ensure effective and efficient designoutcomes Select and apply appropriate research methodologies, adaptingstrategies as needed to inform design decisions Conduct wo...
Company Liebherr-Digital Development Center GmbH
in Ulm
11.01.2025 Updated on: 11.01.2025
Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Die Liebherr-Digital Development Center GmbH entwickelt am StandortUlm digitale Lösungen für die gesamte Firmengruppe Liebherr. Unserpassioniertes Team aus den Bereichen Software Development, Engineeringund Data Science arbeitet gemeinsam an verschiedensten Projekten ausder gesamten Liebherr-Produktwelt. Unsere Mission: einzigartigedigitale Erlebnisse schaffen! Your responsibilities Improve and extendthe current analytics infrastructure (built around Databricks) Drivethe data platform by observing the fast Data and AI landscape andbringing in new ideas Maintain our stack by extending our setup withsecurity measures, monitoring, auditing, policies and (data)observability Build tools, templates, and processes (e.g. CI/CD) forefficient data ingestion and managemen...