Suchergebnisse für Energize Recruitment Solutions

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  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Dortmund
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 24.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us We are seeking an experienced SAP BW Manager to drive ourglobal S/4 HANA rollout project at a leading internationalmanufacturing company. In this key role, you will be responsible foroverseeing and optimizing our SAP BW solutions and managing a dynamicteam of experts. Tasks Team Leadership: Manage and develop a teamconsisting of 4 disciplinary managers and 6 to 8 functional experts.Project Oversight: Plan, implement, and optimize SAP BW solutionswithin an S/4 HANA environment, ensuring smooth integration into theglobal system landscape. Stakeholder Collaboration: Work closely withinternational stakeholders to align business requirements withtechnical solutions. Project Management: Monitor project milestones,ensuring adherence to timelines, budgets, and...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Bonn
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 24.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us We at Energize have partnered up with Germanies leading mailproviders, who are part of one of the world's leading logisticalsuppliers, who employ over 570.000 employees over 220 countries. Theyare currently undergoing an S/4HANA Greenfield Implementation projectfor their new Billings system and are now looking for an SAP SolutionArchitect (SD) to join their team! Tasks You will be: You createcloud-based SAP solutions to support our billing processes. Youprovide architectural guidance to departments and implementationpartners. You evaluate requirements to ensure they align with businessprocesses and fit within functional and solution architectures. Youmanage sub-projects and lead implementation efforts in large SAPinitiatives. You analyze and enhance ex...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Köln
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 24.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us I have partnered with one of Europe's leading manufacturingcompanies who are looking to recruit an SAP Fi/CO in-house consultantto help implement their new S/4HANA Greenfield project. Established asone of the top 5 manufacturing companies in Europe, they have 2,000people working for them across 20 countries worldwide, generating€2bn in revenue. With a new focus being set on digitalization andsustainability using SAP FI/CO, there is no better time to join! Youwill be working alongside a team of 12 in-house consultants to helpdeliver this project. Tasks As part of the team, your day to dayduties will consist of: Collaboration: Creating and data migrationusing S/4HANA to tackle all sorts of finance-related topics Managerialdevelopment: Potential for parti...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in München
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 23.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us Energize are partnered with a global industrial manufacturingorganization. Founded over 200 years ago, the company employ 10,000people and generate annual sales of €2 billion. They operateglobally, with a network of subsidiaries across Europe, North America,and Asia. In preparation for their global S/4 HANA implementation,they are currently looking to hire an Inhouse SAP SD Consultant. TasksBe responsible for the conception and implementation of new SAP SDprocesses Participate in the upcoming global S/4 HANA implementationproject Help with the re-designing of new global pricing proceduresAct as a (sub)-project manager in specific SAP SD projects Workclosely with the interfaces of SAP MM, CS & CRM Support the SAP SDmodule to identify gaps and issues Pro...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in München
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 23.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us Energize are partnered with an industrial manufacturingorganization that operate across Europe. With 4,500 employees in 10global locations, the company aims to develop innovative automationsolutions for various industries. Last year they invested heavily inR&D, focussing on integrating AI into automation solutions. Due togrowth in the team and preparation for their S/4 HANA implementation,they are searching for a new SAP PP Consultant. Tasks Support,customize and further develop the SAP PP module (ECC environment) Helpextended brand-new SAP PP processes Help participate in the upcomingS/4 HANA implementation Prepare S/4 HANA roadmap and design newarchitecture Work closely with the key users and business departmentEnsure seamless integration of SAP with...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in München
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 23.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us We at Energize have partnered with a premium toolsmanufacturer based in that produces high-quality tools, special toolsand customised solutions for safe and professional use in industry andtrade. With over 16,000 products, they offer one of the widest rangesof all European tool manufacturers and is one of the world's leadingsuppliers in the premium sector, located in 70 countries globally.This company is now looking to expand their SAP team and is lookingfor an SAP Basis Administrator to help with their S/4HANA migrationproject! Tasks You will be doing: Coordination- Manage externalservice provider, support installations that are carried out for theSAP Basis and SAP Solution Manager Modernization- support theinnovative further development of the SAP la...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in München
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 23.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us We have partnered up with a major retailer who are looking torecruit an SAP MM Consultant to help with their new and excitingS/4HANA Greenfield project. You have the chance to work with one ofthe largest DIY companies across Germany, who employ over 18,000people across their 300 stores nationwide. With a new focus being setto implement S/4HANA and expand cloud architecture, there is no bettertime to join the company and be the latest addition in an ever-growingteam! Tasks As part of this team, your day to day duties will consistof: Creation and migration of the script for S/4HANA transformation inthe context of master and transaction data for ECC R/3 to S/4HANAImplementation of S/4HANA Volume estimation of data to assess effortnecessary for migration I...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in München
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 23.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us My client are a global multi-billion (16.7 Billion € 2022)energy organization headquartered in Mannheim . They currently employover 200.000 employees worldwide in more than 120 countries . Theyhold a firm vision of sustainability, and are highly ambitious withthe goal to build long-term value for its customers, employees and forsociety at large - my client is now searching for an inhouse SAP HCMConsultant in Mannheim to help with their continued growth andupcoming SucessFactors implementation later this year. Tasks You willmanage the existing SAP HCM landscape and concentrate primarily on thefollowing key areas: Design, customize, configure, and implement SAPHCM solutions with a focus on Time Management and Payroll. Be thefirst point of contact for the...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Walldorf
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 23.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us Wir sind ein renommiertes internationales deutschesIngenieurbüro, das an der Spitze von Innovation und Exzellenz steht.Wir blicken auf eine über 80-jährige Geschichte zurück und habenuns verpflichtet, unseren Kunden auf der ganzen Welt innovativeLösungen zu liefern. Auf unserem Weg zur digitalen Transformationsuchen wir einen talentierten IT-Projektmanager, der uns bei derUmsetzung unserer S/4HANA-Roadmap unterstützt. Tasks Verwalten vonIT-Programmen und -Projekten mit Schwerpunkt auf derS/4HANA-Implementierung. Festlegung und Durchsetzung vonProjektstandards, Instrumenten und Berichterstattungsprotokollen alsProjektmanager. Führen Sie den Gedankenaustausch innerhalb derS/4HANA-Projektmanager-Community. Beaufsichtigung des Managementsmehrerer Projekte/...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Düsseldorf
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 24.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us Wir von Energize sind Partner eines der größtenKrankenhäuser in Nordrhein-Westfalen, das über 9.700 Mitarbeiterbeschäftigt und jährlich über 300.000 Patienten behandelt. ZurVerstärkung des IT-Teams in Düsseldorf suchen wir einen SAP BasisAdministrator (m/w/d) für ein S/4HANA Greenfield Einführungsprojekt.Tasks Administration der SAP-Systemlandschaft: Als SAP BasisAdministrator (m/w/d) verwalten Sie alle eingesetzten SAP-Systeme,einschließlich SAP Data Warehouse und SAP BO. Zu Ihren Aufgabengehört auch die Verwaltung des Serverbetriebssystems, Backups undTransporte innerhalb der SAP-Umgebung. Unterstützung fürNicht-SAP-Systeme: Sie leisten technischen Support fürNicht-SAP-Systeme und sorgen für regelmäßige Updates und dieImplementierung von Zertifikaten...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Bonn
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 24.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us We at Energize have partnered up with Germanies leading mailproviders, who are part of one of the world's leading logisticalsuppliers, who employ over 570.000 employees over 220 countries. Theyare currently undergoing an S/4HANA greenfield implementation projectand are looking for an SAP SD Consultant to join the team! Tasks Youwill: Be responsible for analyzing and optimizing our SAP SD system.You advise internal departments on the implementation and furtherdevelopment of IT solutions in the SAP Billing domain. You designcustomized billing solutions and oversee their successfulimplementation. You coordinate and lead SAP SD/ Billing(sub-)projects, from planning through to successful execution. Youidentify and resolve issues arising in the SD process, d...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in München
    21.03.2025 Updated on: 23.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us I'm currently partnered with an international, family-ownedcompany based in Versmold (Germany) , that operates in the foodindustry , with over 5.000 employees worldwide . They are known fortheir high-quality products and family-friendly culture. As part oftheir SAP S/4HANA transformation , they're upgrading all SAP systems,with a strong focus on the Sales & Distribution (SD) module . This isan exciting opportunity for SAP SD experts to play a key role inoptimizing sales and distribution processes within a modern SAPlandscape. Tasks Consulting and customizing within the SAP SD domain(Sales and OTC). Supporting the carve-in/carve-out process (clean-upand system adjustments). Providing 3rd-level support and handlingtickets. Assisting with the S/4HANA conv...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in München
    21.03.2025 Updated on: 23.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us Energize are partnered with a global technology group thatmanufacture products for the automotive and transport industry.Founded over 40 years ago, this company is rapidly becoming amarket-leader for innovative embedded products. Operating in over 10countries worldwide, they also have a huge focus on sustainability andre-generation. In preparation for their S/4 HANA implementation thisyear, they are searching for an (Inhouse) SAP SD/MM Consultant. TasksSupport, customize and further develop the SAP SD and MM modules Helpparticipate in the upcoming S/4 HANA implementation this year PrepareS/4 HANA roadmap and design new architecture Help expand the SAP EDImodule Work closely with the key users and business department Ensureseamless integration of SAP wi...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Frankfurt am Main
    09.03.2025 Updated on: 12.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us My client are a German leading Bank headquartered inFrankfurt . They are a multi-billion€ organization and one ofGermany's largest financial companies. My client specializes invarious financial services, including investment funds, assetmanagement, and securities solutions. They are searching for a new Inhouse SAP SuccessFactors Consultant to join their growing HR/IT teamand to help to enhance their HR processes. Tasks Lead implementationof new HR systems in the "Strategy & HR" division as a consultant inSAP SuccessFactors modules (Employee Central, Performance & Goals,Learning Management, Recruiting) Showcase expertise in projectadvancements, process customization, and digitalization within ourevolving team. Configure SAP SuccessFactors solutions to m...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in München
    07.03.2025 Updated on: 08.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us Energize are currently partnered alongside a market-leadingorganization that is preparing for a global SAP S/4 HANAimplementation in 2025. They are are currently searching for talentedABAP Developers and SAP Consultants with experience in any of thefollowing modules - SAP SD, MM, PP, QM, WM, EWM, FI, CO, PS, WM,Basis, BW, CRM, HCM, SuccessFactors, MDM + more. Tasks As an SAPConsultant/Developer, you will be responsible for providing expertguidance and support in the implementation, customization, andmaintenance of SAP systems You will collaborate with clients andinternal teams to analyze business requirements, design SAP solutions,and ensure smooth system integration You will actively participate inthe migration and roll out of S/4 HANA Build and maint...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Dortmund
    06.03.2025 Updated on: 08.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us A leading technology provider in the ICT industry, activeacross Europe and beyond, is seeking a skilled SAP EWM Developer(d/m/f) to join their growing international team. Tasks KeyResponsibilities: Develop customer-specific solutions within the SAPEWM system. Define and develop interfaces between EWM and ERP systems(ECC or S/4 Hana). Collaborate with SAP EWM Consultants to designinnovative solutions. Profile Requirements: University degree orequivalent qualification. Several years of experience as an SAP EWMConsultant. Expertise in RF-Framework, PPF, EWM BadIs, and iDocprocessing. Strong communication skills. Proficiency in spoken andwritten English. We offer What’s Offered: Become a key contributorto a fantastic workplace with supportive colleagues an...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Mettmann
    06.03.2025 Updated on: 08.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us We at Energize have partnered up with one of Germany'slargest premium provider of frozen food home delivery services withover 50 years of experience, operating in countries across Europe with700 employees and over €30m revenue in 2023. They are currentlyundergoing an exciting new Greenfield S/4HANA implementation projectand are looking for a Junior SD Consultant to join their SAP Team inMettmann! Tasks You will: Provide support for the SAP SD module,including user assistance and training. Analyze and enhance existingprocesses in close collaboration with relevant departments. Translatedepartmental requirements into IT project tasks, including processanalysis, consultation, and documentation. Design processes, developbusiness and technical specifications...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Bottrop
    06.03.2025 Updated on: 08.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us Join a leading global chemical company and discover yourcareer advantage in the specialty chemicals industry. We invite you tobecome part of our team and help shape the future of EHSQR solutions.Tasks Serve as the global contact for the technical management ofEHSQR (Environment, Health, Safety, Quality, Regulatory) across localteams and specialists within the Global Chemical Company 's businessunit. Provide technical and IT support for product safety and chemicalregulation in projects involving SAP S/4 implementation or thetransformation from existing ERP systems at various locations. Analyzeexisting data and structures while ensuring the necessaryfunctionalities in the SAP "EHS-Classic” module or its subsequentversions. Develop concepts for product sa...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in München
    05.03.2025 Updated on: 06.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: About us Energize are partnered with one of the world's biggestpharmaceutical companies. With 10,000 people employed in over 15different countries, they are well-renowned for the supply anddistribution of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. They arecurrently looking for an SAP Authorizations Consultant to assist withthe migration of a new S/4 system. Tasks Help with the introduction ofnew authorization structures in the upcoming SAP S/4HANA migrationproject Be responsible for future Cloud Administration tasks in BTPDesign and maintain new SAP roles Ensure segregation of duties (SoD)compliance Ensure compliance with company policies and industryregulations (SOX) Provide support for authorization-related issues inSAP FI Train users in SAP authorizations and sec...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Wallersdorf
    05.03.2025 Updated on: 06.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über uns Energize SAP hat sich einen herausragenden Ruf aufgebaut,indem wir lokale Unternehmen mit den besten technischen undfunktionalen SAP-Talenten zusammenbringen. Unser Team aus regionalansässigen Personalberatern verfügt über tiefgreifendes Know-howund spezialisiert sich darauf, die Bedürfnisse vonInhouse-Unternehmen präzise zu verstehen und zu erfüllen. Ob beigroßen Neuimplementierungen oder routinemäßigen System-Upgrades –wir sind darauf fokussiert, die besten lokalen Fachkräfte zuidentifizieren, selbst für die seltensten Nischenmodule. Mit unsgewinnen Sie nicht nur die richtigen Talente, sondern auch Partner,die Ihr SAP-Projekt nachhaltig stärken. Mein Kunde ist ein führendesUnternehmen im der Technologie- und Maschinenbau-Branche und betreuenunsere Ku...

  • Company Energize Recruitment Solutions in Düsseldorf
    03.03.2025 Updated on: 07.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Exciting Opportunity in Global Retail Company A market-leading retailorganization with a vast international footprint has successfullyimplemented a greenfield project across nearly five regions,emphasizing Agile methodologies. Join their dynamic team to: Design &Implementation – Draft, design, and specify new technologies andfunctions in the SAP environment, followed by hands-on implementationContinuous Learning – Stay ahead by independently exploring andmastering new SAP technologies Technical Development – Createtechnical designs, follow best practices, and ensure high-quality,timely delivery Presentation & Support – Assist in presentingresults and providing technical guidance to stakeholders TechnicalConsulting – Act as a subject matter expert, advising on S...

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