UX Researcher (f/m/d) (Informatiker/in)

  • Postdoctoral Senior researcher: Consumer behavior & Tr...

    Company Kontrast Personalberatung GmbH in Other
    27.03.2025 Updated on: 28.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Postdoctoral Senior researcher: Consumer behavior & Trend Research (m/f/d)Leading Non-Profit Institute for fundamental research Consumer behavior GermanyThe Research Institute in BavariaThis renowned institute for market research and consumer sentiment is a leading non-profit organisation, conducting fundamental research in consumer behaviour and emerging consumer expectations at the interface between academia and practice. An interdisciplinary approach is central to its work, and current plans focus on systematically expanding activities in the field of consumer and trend research as a centre of excellence.Your Role as Senior ResearcherYou will join an interdisciplinary team of researchers, academics, and practitioners with expertise in diverse areas of market...

  • Experte Customer & Market Insights (m/w/d) (Data Engineer)

    Company Liebherr-Hausgeräte Ochsenhausen GmbH in Ochsenhausen
    26.03.2025 Updated on: 28.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Im Produktsegment Kühl- und Gefriergeräte entwickelt, fertigt undverkauft Liebherr bereits seit 1954 ein breites Spektrum aneffizienten Kühl- und Gefriergeräten für den privaten undprofessionellen Einsatz. Um Kunden stets mit innovativen Lösungen zubegeistern, werden dabei deren Bedürfnisse in den Mittelpunkt gesetztund die Grenzen des bisher Machbaren immer wieder neu definiert.Kühl- und Gefriergeräte von Liebherr gelten in der Branche und beiKunden als Symbol für höchste Qualität – heute in Europa undmorgen weltweit. Das sind Ihre Aufgaben Globaler Ansprechpartner(m/w/d) in allen Fragen des Bereichs Customer Insights & ExperienceSelbstständige Konzeption, Steuerung sowie Durchführung voninternationalen Marktforschungsprojekten (B2B und B2C) in denBereichen de...

  • (Aspiring) Biodiversity Researcher (m/f/d) (Wissenschaftliche/...

    Company Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung in Frankfurt am Main
    26.03.2025 Updated on: 28.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: The Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SGN) was founded in 1817 and is one of the most important research institutions in the field of biodiversity. At its twelve locations throughout Germany, scientists from almost 40 nations conduct cutting-edge research on an international scale. The Society's headquarter is in the Main metropolis of Frankfurt in the heart of Germany. This is also where one of the best-known Senckenberg facilities, the Senckenberg Natural History Museum, is located. The Senckenberg Society for Nature Research (SGN) at the location in Frankfurt am Main is seeking to fill the following position as soon as possible(Aspiring) Biodiversity Researcher (m/f/d)(65%) Your Tasks You will be part of our dynamic team of scientists and software...

  • Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d/x) (Volkswirt/in)

    Company Universität Leipzig in Leipzig
    26.03.2025 Updated on: 28.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Founded in 1409, Leipzig University is one of Germany’s largest universities and a leader in research and medical training. With around 30,000 students and more than 5000 members of staff across 14 faculties, it is at the heart of the vibrant and outward-looking city of Leipzig. Leipzig University offers an innovative and international working environment as well as an exciting range of career opportunities in research, teaching, knowledge and technology transfer, infrastructure and administration.The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig seeks to fill the above position at the earliest opportunity.About the position- Fixed term for up to 2 years according to qualification plan- 100 % of a full-time position, part-time po...

  • Postdoctoral Researcher in Cancer Immunity (Data Scientist)

    Company Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) in Mainz
    26.03.2025 Updated on: 28.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: "Research for a life without cancer” is our mission at the GermanCancer Research Center. We investigate how cancer develops, identifycancer risk factors and look for new cancer prevention strategies. Wedevelop new methods with which tumors can be diagnosed more preciselyand cancer patients can be treated more successfully. Everycontribution counts – whether in research, administration orinfrastructure. This is what makes our daily work so meaningful andexciting. The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) is the largestbiomedical research center in Germany. With more than 3,000 employees,we run an extensive scientific program in the field of cancerresearch. In the new Helmholtz Institute for Translational Oncology(HI-TRON) Mainz, the DKFZ cooperates with the Resea...

  • Postdoctoral Researcher Data Science/ Deep Learning (m/f/div),...

    Company Hans-Knöll-Institut in Jena
    26.03.2025 Updated on: 28.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Stellenausschreibung HKI-25/2025 Am Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie (Leibniz-HKI) erforschen wir die Pathobiologie von Mikroorganismen und entwickeln neue Naturstoff-basierte Wirkstoffe für die Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten. Wir suchen zur Verstärkung für unser Biotechnikum einene begeisterungsfähigen Postdoctoral Researcher Data Science/ Deep Learning (m/f/div) Die Position ist auf zwei Jahre befristet. Das Biotechnikum untersucht, entwickelt und unterstützt die Bildung neuer Wirkstoffe und mikrobiologischer Produkte für vielfältige Anwendungen. Das Leibniz-HKI ist in der ,,Wissenschaftsstadt" Jena am Beutenberg-Campus beheimatet. Das Biotechnikum erforscht und entwickelt innovative Bioprozesse und vollständige Bioprozes...

  • Innovation Market Specialist (Biowissenschaftler/in)

    Company Max Delbrück Centrum in Berlin
    26.03.2025 Updated on: 28.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association aims to transform tomorrow’s medicine through our discoveries of today. At locations in Berlin-Buch, Berlin-Mitte, Heidelberg and Mannheim, our researchers harness interdisciplinary collaboration to decipher the complexities of disease at the systems level – from molecules and cells to organs and the entire organism. Through academic, clinical, and industry partnerships, as well as global networks, we strive to translate biological discoveries into applications that enable the early detection of deviations from health, personalize treatment, and ultimately prevent disease. First founded in 1992, the Max Delbrück Center today inspires and nurtures a diverse talent pool of 1,800 people fr...

  • ifo Postdoctoral Researcher / Economist (f/m/d): Public / Beha...

    Company ifo Institut - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsfor­schung an der Universität München e.V. in München
    26.03.2025 Updated on: 27.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: ifo Postdoctoral Researcher / Economist (f/m/d): Public / Behavioral / Labor Economicsfor the Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for SocialMarket Economy and Institutional Economicslocated in FuerthWe are looking for a postdoc (f/m/d) to joinour team in Fürth for up to two years starting as soon as possible.The possible research areas are public economics, behavioral economics,labor economics, and other economic research fields relevant to thedevelopment of the Social Market Economy.At the Ludwig Erhard ifo Center for Social Market Economy and InstitutionalEconomics in Fürth, we investigate how institutions should be designedto meet current challenges - such as demographic change, climate change,and economic inequality. What is the impact of the institutional framework,e...

  • Junior - Mitarbeiter für Money Market m/w/d (Vertriebsassisten...

    Company Arbeit-Geber Zeitarbeit UG (haftungsbeschränkt) in München
    23.03.2025 Updated on: 26.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Im Rahmen der Personalvermittlung suchen wir für einen unserer Kunden in München eine/n Mitarbeiter für Fixed Income und Money Market (m/w/d) in Vollzeit ab sofort.Ihr Profil:- Idealerweise Vorerfahrungen im Banken- oder Finanzsektor- bei entsprechender Eignung auch Quereinsteiger- Interesse an Themen rund um den Kapitalmarkt- Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit- Lern-, Fortbildungs- und Verantwortungsbereitschaft- Kundenorientierung und Zielstrebigkeit- Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift- gute Englischkenntnisse von Vorteil aber nicht Bedingung- Sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office-AnwendungenIhre Aufgaben- Betreuung und Vertiefung von bestehenden Kundenbeziehungen- Selbstständige Akquisition von Neukunden- Ermittlung von Marktkonditionen und Bereitstellun...

  • Postdoctoral Researcher (m,f,x) for 4 years with 39,83 hours p...

    Company Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Bochum
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 24.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: The Chair of Predictive Cognitionat the Faculty of Psychology is looking for aPostdoctoral Researcher (m,f,x) for 4 years with 39,83 hours per week, TV-L E13The Department of Predictive Cognition is a newly established research unit within the Faculty of Psychology. After the completion of the new THINK research building on the former Opel site Mark 51°7, the team will move there .The research focus is on combining neuroimaging and behavioural measurements with computational models to understand how the human brain learns and uses prior expectations during speech and face perception. More information can be found here: extent: full-timeduration: temporary   beginning: 01.08.2025application deadline: 07.04.2025Your tasks:- Participation in the execution and orga...

  • Doctoral Researcher (m,f,x) for 3 years with 29,8725 hours per...

    Company Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Bochum
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 28.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: The Chair of Predictive Cognition at the Faculty of Psychology is looking for aDoctoral Researcher (m,f,x) for 3 years with 29,8725 hours per week, TV-L E13The Department of Predictive Cognition is a newly established research unit within the Faculty of Psychology. After the completion of the new THINK research building on the former Opel site Mark 51°7, the team will move there The research focus is on combining neuroimaging and behavioural measurements with computational models to understand how the human brain learns and uses prior expectations during speech and face perception. More information can be found here: extent: part-timeduration: temporary   beginning: 01.09.2025application deadline: 07.04.2025Your tasks:- Participation in the execution and organi...

  • UX-Researcher:in (m/w/d) (UX-Designer/in)

    Company JobRad GmbH in Freiburg im Breisgau
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 26.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Werde Teil der JobRad-Erfolgsgeschichte und bewirb dich jetzt!Wir haben das Rad nicht neu erfunden – aber das Dienstrad!JobRad® ist Markt- und Qualitätsführerin der boomenden Radleasing-Branche.An unserem Hauptsitz in Freiburg und in unserem Außendienst in ganz Deutschland setzen wir auf begeisterte Menschen, die mit ihrem Talent und ihren Ideen unser nachhaltiges und wachsendes Unternehmen weiter stärken und Menschen aufs Rad bringen.Das erwartet dich• Du wirst Teil eines begeisterten UX-Teams, das sich mit Leidenschaft für ein optimiertes Nutzererlebnis einsetzt• Du entwickelst Best Practices für die UX Research Disziplin bei JobRad, indem du qualitative und quantitative Methoden der Nutzerforschung anwendest, unterstützt und anleitest• Mit deinem Produktteam...

  • Internship in market research and consultancy (m/w/d) for chin...

    Company Schlegel und Partner GmbH Wirtschaftsberatung in Weinheim
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 26.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Schlegel und Partner is the source of valuable market insights for technology-focused industries. We transform information to knowledge – and knowledge into strategy. As specialized business growth consultants, we filter the crucial essences for success of business strategies. These are global players and hidden champions in the automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical, agricultural, food and environmental technology and service industries.What waits for you?    You will support project leaders in the analysis of global technology markets and learn market research and consulting from head to toe.    You will have the opportunity to contribute proactively to the project success and to work in intercultural teams.    You will get to know a variety of technica...

  • Internship in market research and consultancy (m/w/d) for chin...

    Company Schlegel und Partner GmbH Wirtschaftsberatung in Weinheim
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 28.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Schlegel und Partner is the source of valuable market insights for technology-focused industries. We transform information to knowledge – and knowledge into strategy. As specialized business growth consultants, we filter the crucial essences for success of business strategies. These are global players and hidden champions in the automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical, agricultural, food and environmental technology and service industries.What waits for you?    You will support project leaders in the analysis of global technology markets and learn market research and consulting from head to toe.    You will have the opportunity to contribute proactively to the project success and to work in intercultural teams.    You will get to know a variety of technica...

  • Postdoctoral Senior researcher: Trendforschung Konsumentenverh...

    Company Kontrast Personalberatung GmbH in Nürnberg
    08.03.2025 Updated on: 11.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Postdoctoral Senior researcher: Trendforschung Konsumentenverhalten (m/w/d) Führendes Multidisziplinäres Non-Profit-Forschungsinstitut - BayernStellenangebot #30455 Marktforschung und Meinungsforschung in Bayern Deutschland Postdoctoral Senior researcher: Trendforschung Konsumentenverhalten (m/w/d)Das Forschungsinstitut in BayernDas renommierte multidisziplinäre Forschungs-Institut für Marketingforschung und Konsumklima ist führender Non-Profit-Forschungsträger, das mit großen Forscher-Teams an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Praxis arbeitet. Aktuell werden planmäßig die Forschungsaktivitäten im Bereich Verbraucher- und Trendforschung als Kompetenzfeld ausgebaut.Ihr Arbeitsplatz als Post Doc Senior-ResearcherSie werden in einem interdisziplinären Team vo...

  • Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) (Physiker/in)

    Company Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik e.V. in Garching bei München
    07.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Postdoctoral Researcher - Plasma Physicist (m/f/d)Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garchingsc_jun | Wissenschaftlicher NachwuchsFull timelimitedJob Code: 25/009Public from: 27.02.2025The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics as an institute of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (registered association) is one of the leading centres for fusion research and is engaged in developing the physical foundations for a future fusion power plant. The institute is affiliated to the European Fusion Programme.The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching offers within the department ITER Technology & Diagnostics (ITED) a position for a Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d). As a member of the Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) team at Max-Planck I...

  • Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) (Physiker/in)

    Company Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik e.V. in Garching bei München
    07.03.2025 Updated on: 09.03.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Postdoctoral Researcher - Beam Physicist (m/f/d)Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garchingsc_jun | Wissenschaftlicher NachwuchsFull timelimitedJob Code: 25/010Public from: 27.02.2025The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics as an institute of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (registered association) is one of the leading centres for fusion research and is engaged in developing the physical foundations for a future fusion power plant. The institute is affiliated to the European Fusion Programme.The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching offers within the department ITER Technology & Diagnostics (ITED) a position for a Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d). As a member of the Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) team at Max-Planck Ins...