Chef de rang

  • Servicemitarbeiter bzw. Chef de Rang (m/w/d) (Helfer/in - Gast...

    Company Hotel Hirsch GmbH & Co. KG in Füssen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Kommen Sie ins Hotel Hirsch-Team - bei uns trifft Tradition auf ModerneHotel Hirsch, das familiengeführte 4-Sterne Stadthotel liegt im Herzen von Füssen. Das im Jugendstil erbaute Hotel wird bereits seit vier Generationen mit viel Liebe geführt und hat modernen Komfort und bayerisches Ambiente elegant vereint. Das Hotel Hirsch hat 71 Zimmer, Tagungsräumlichkeiten und ein eigenes Restaurant mit 200 Sitzplätzen und einen traumhaften Biergarten im Sommer.Wir suchen zur Verstärkung für unser Serviceteam eine/n Servicemitarbeiter bzw. Chef de Rang (m/w/d).Ihre Aufgaben:- Führung einer eigenen Station- Beratung und Verkaufsgespräch am Gast von Getränken und Speisen- Servieren von Speisen und Getränken- Mise en Place-Arbeiten sowie deren Kontrolle- Abrechnungen erstel...

  • Restaurantfachmann (m/w/d) bzw. Chef de rang (m/w/d) (Restaura...

    Company VELA Binz GmbH in Ostseebad Binz

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Restaurantfachkraft (Chef de rang) (m/w/d)UNSERE GEMEINSAME CHALLENGEVELA ist ein Zuhause, nicht nur für unsere Gäste. Für unser neues Restaurant suchen wir Gastgeber und Köche mit Inbrunst, Talent und Freude am Job.Als neue Hotelmarke mit Hotels in ausgesuchten Bestlagen, frischen Designideen, modernen Services und Community-Bereichen mit hohem Lifestyle-Faktor gehen wir gemeinsam auf eine große Reise. In unserem LOEV Restaurant darf gern ein lockerer, witziger Spruch über die Lippen kommen. Wir tun, was wir tun, mit Leidenschaft, auf hoher Qualitätsebene, mit der gewissen Prise Lockerheit.Das LOEV blickt auf eine lange Geschichte, befindet sich direkt an der Flaniermeile des Seebades Binz, nur 50m von der Seebrücke entfernt und ist somit place to be. Fast jed...

  • Servicefachkraft (gn) Businessgastronomie (Fachkraft - Gastron...

    Company Manpower Experts GmbH in Köln

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Ihr neuer Job bei Manpower GastronomieBei uns haben Sie beste Perspektiven für eine sichere Zukunft in der Gastronomie. Egal, ob als Servicefachkraft, Chef de Rang oder ungelernte Servicekraft- wir berücksichtigen Ihre Wünsche und unterstützen Sie bei Ihrer beruflichen Entwicklung. Von der Kantine bis zum Catering stehen Ihnen viele Wege offen. Ihre Balance aus Arbeit, Verdienst und Freizeit bestimmen Sie selbst.Ihre MöglichkeitenImmer für die Gäste da, immer ein offenes Ohr: Als Servicefachkraft sind Sie das Aushängeschild Ihres Unternehmens. Wenn Ihnen Herausforderungen und Teamarbeit liegen, sind Sie bei uns richtig!Im Raum Köln und Umgebung suchen wir Sie ab sofort alsServicefachkraft (gn) in Teilzeit.Ihre Vorteile als Servicefachkraft auf einen Blick:- fle...

  • Chef de Rang / Servicemitarbeiter/in (m/w/d) (Servicekraft - G...

    Company Natur-Wohlfühlhotel Brunner Hof OHG in Arnschwang

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen ab sofort oder nach Vereinbarung eine/nChef de Rang | Servicemitarbeiter/in (m/w/d)Vollzeit oder Teilzeit AbendWas wir von Ihnen erwarten:- Abgeschlossenen Berufsausbildung in der Hotellerie/ Gastronomie- Gerne bieten wir auch Quereinsteigern eine Chance- Leidenschaft, Engagement und Fleiß- Freude im Umgang mit Gästen, Flexibilität, Belastbarkeit und ZuverlässigkeitIhre Aufgaben:- Freundliche Betreuung und Beratung unserer Gäste im Restaurant- Selbständiges Arbeiten in einer eigenen Station- Einhaltung der Hygiene- und Qualitätsstandards- Zusammenarbeit mit allen Kollegen und Abteilungen- Mitarbeit bei der Entwicklung des HotelsAlle IHRE VORTEILE im Wellnesshotel Brunner Hof auf einen Blick:- Familiengeführtes Wellnesshotel mit flachen Hierarchien- R...

  • Commis de Rang / Demi Chef de Rang (m/w/d) in Vollzeit / Teilz...

    Company Marcel Hoffmann Restaurant "Alte Vogtei" in Köngen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Das Restaurant "Alte Vogtei" ist ein renommiertes Restaurant in der Region Esslingen, das für seine exzellente Küche und seinen erstklassigen Service bekannt ist. Mit einer langen Tradition und einem starken Engagement für Qualität und Gastfreundschaft bieten wir unseren Gästen ein unvergessliches kulinarisches Erlebnis.Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir eine/n engagierte/n und talentierte/nDemi Chef de Rang / Commis de Rang (m/w/d) in Vollzeit / TeilzeitAufgaben:Als Demi Chef de Rang / Commis de Rang sind Sie eine wichtige Schnittstelle zwischen Küche und Gästen. Ihre Hauptaufgaben umfassen:- Freundliche Begrüßung der Gäste und Begleitung zu ihren Tischen- Fachgerechtes Servieren von Speisen und Getränken- Gewährleistung eines reibungslosen Ablaufs im Re...

  • Chef de Rang (m/w/d) (Chef de rang)

    Company FRITZ Lauterbad | Hotel Lauterbad | Berghütte Lauterbad in Zuflucht

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über uns3 Betriebe | 1 Team:Innerhalb der Hotel Lauterbad GmbH haben wir zwei Hotels und eine Eventlocation.Hotel Lauterbad // Gourmet und Komfort // @hotellauterbadFritz Lauterbad // Gourmet und Lifestyle // @fritzlauterbadBerghütte Lauterbad // Event- und Wanderlocation // @berghuettelauterbadHospitality HR AWARD 2023 by Deutsche HotelakademieWir freuen uns sehr als bester Arbeitgeber 2023 ausgezeichnet worden zu sein!Link:  (Inhalt entfernt)Das bieten wir dir:LAUTERBAD - BENEFITS:Seit über 40 Jahren gehören wir zu einem der mitarbeiter-orientiertesten Betriebe der Region  - 150 Mitarbeiter vor und hinter den Kulissen bezeugen dies!UNSERE MITARBEITER-AWARDS:• IHK  und  Wirtschaftsförderung - Award für Mitarbeiterführung  und  Innovation• Bundesagentur für Arb...

  • Chef de rang (w/m/d) (Chef de rang)

    Company Ameron Hotelges. Hohenschwangau mbH in Schwangau

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: An einem der reizvollsten Orte Deutschlands, zu Füßen der beiden Königsschlösser Hohenschwangau und Neuschwanstein, ist das neue AMERON Neuschwanstein Alpsee Resort & Spa entstanden. Mit Blick auf den Alpsee, umgeben von Wäldern und einem außergewöhnlichen Gebirgspanorama, verschmelzen Natur und Kultur in diesem Haus auf einzigartige Weise mit dem Esprit von AMERON.KÖNIGLICHE KARRIEREMÖGLICHKEITENWerden Sie stolzer Teil eines exzellenten und engagierten Teams im AMERON Neuschwanstein Alpsee Resort & Spa und nutzen Sie Ihre Chance für den Direkteinstieg im AMERON Neuschwanstein. Es erwarten Sie attraktive Arbeitsplätze in einer offenen Unternehmensstruktur und mit spannenden Aufstiegschancen.Chef de rang (w/m/d)Your Personality:- Sie brennen für exzellenten Serv...

  • Restaurantleitung (m/w/d) (Chef de rang)

    Company Waldhotel Bächlein Georg Jung in Mitwitz

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Erholung hat bei uns viele Gesichter, immer verbunden mit herzlicher Gastlichkeit. Ob Sie uns wegen der guten Luft oder wegen der hervorragenden Frankenwaldküche besuchen, oder wegen der vielseitigen Angebote und Freizeitmöglichkeiten unseres 3-Sterne-Hauses oder ob Sie wegen Ihrer ganz individuellen Erholung kommen, immer werden Sie erfahren, was wir für Ansprüche an das Wohlbefinden unserer Gäste stellen.Umsorgt von engagierten Mitarbeitern, deren Lächeln von Herzen kommt, so entsteht fränkische Gastlichkeit.Für unser Waldhotel in Mitwitz - Ortsteil Bächlein - suchen wir ab sofort Sie alsRestaurantleitung (m/w/d) in VollzeitZu Ihren Aufgaben zählen:- administrative und organisatorische Aufgaben- aktive Mitarbeit im Restaurant und HotelVoraussetzung:- entsprec...

  • Chef de Rang Voll-und Teilzeit (m/w/d) (Demichef de rang)

    Company Hotel Gut Altona Inh. Heinrich Ahrmann e.K. in Dötlingen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Steckt ein Glücksbringer in dir?Wir suchen ab sofort: Chef de Rang Voll-und Teilzeit (m/w/d) in 27801 DötlingenJetzt auf diese Stelle bewerben ( Ziel ist es, für Kunden und Mitarbeiter ein gesundes, freundliches und erfolgreiches Umfeld zu schaffen. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass zufriedene Mitarbeiter und glückliche Gäste automatisch wirtschaftlichen Erfolg mit sich bringen.Unser Unternehmen wurde 1888 gegründet und ist ein familiengeführtes Hotel mit Tagungen, Feiern und einem a la Carte Restaurant.Wir sind Optimisten und haben Corona im Kopf schon lange hinter uns gelassen.Mache mit uns gemeinsam Gäste glücklich und intensiviere die wundervollen Seiten der Hotellerie und Gastronomie.Dein zukünftiges Auf...

  • Chef de rang (m/w/d) (Chef de rang)

    Company WB Resort GmbH in Wilsum
    05.02.2025 Updated on: 05.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über unsWir sind ein Ferienresort in der Grafschaft Bentheim und suchen für unsere Rezeption und unser Restaurant Lakeside, welches neu zu eröffnen ist, engagierte Mitarbeiter! Neben kleinem à la carte-Geschäft werden wir uns vor allem auf den Event-Bereich, der tagsüber stattfinden wird, konzentrieren. Sie sollten Interesse haben, unseren Betrieb mit aufzubauen! Eigene Ideen sind willkommen - Restaurant Lakeside, Little Lakeside (Beachbar), Ranger Club-Gastronomie und ein Team mit Fachkräften freuen sich auf Ihre Bewerbung. Unsere Rezeption umfasst neben dem Booking-Expert-System verschiedene Bereiche, für die unsere Mitarbeiter zuständig sind. Reservierungen, Angebote, Gästebetreuung sowohl für unsere Lodges als auch für den großen Campingplatz!Das bieten wir...

  • Servicekraft (m/w/d) (Servicekraft - Gastronomie und Gastgewerbe)

    Company Herbert Decker GmbH & Co. KG in Sasbachwalden
    05.02.2025 Updated on: 05.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen ab sofort......eine Servicefachkraft / Chef de Rang / Commis de Rang (m/w/d) für unser Restaurant & Hotel „Der Engel“ in Vollzeit oder TeilzeitIhre Persönlichkeit & Bereitschaft sich weiterzuentwickeln stehen für uns an erster Stelle. Auch Leidenschaftliche Quereinsteiger sind herzlich Willkommen.Wir sind „Der Engel“ Hotel & Restaurant,...- ein Traditions-Familienbetrieb seit 1765- Gastgeber mit Herz und Hand- 17 Hotelzimmer (3 Sterne S) und Restaurant mit 5 Stuben- bodenständig-badische Küche mit gehobenem Einschlag- a la Carte Restaurant- Ausrichtung von verschiedene Familienfeiern und Veranstaltungen- BIB / Varta Tipp / 5 Gustopfannen- Das Hotel & Restaurant wurde in den letzten Jahren komplett erneuert,modernisiert und weiterentwickelt.- 40 „Team...

  • Restaurantleitung (m/w/d) (Chef de rang)

    Company Cordes Rieger Personalvermittlungs GmbH in Öhringen
    04.02.2025 Updated on: 05.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Jetzt bewerben und Zukunftschancen sichern!Unsere Personalvermittlung sucht ab sofort im Auftrag des Kunden:Restaurantleitung (m/w/d) im Raum HeilbronnOrt: Im Umkreis von HeilbronnLage: IdyllischArbeitszeit: VollzeitGröße: 50 - 100 ZimmerArt des Betriebes: Restaurant eines exklusiven WellnesshotelIhre Aufgaben- Verantwortlich für den reibungslosen Ablauf im Restaurant- Sicherstellung eines exzellenten Service mit Hauptaufgabenmerk auf die persönliche Betreuung der Gäste, aktive Mitarbeit- Verantwortlich für die Einhaltung der Qualitätsstandards- Erstellung Tagesabschluss, Forecast, Dienstpläne- Unterstützung bei der Einarbeitung neuer MitarbeiterIhr Profil- Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum Restaurantfachmann/frau oder Hotelfachmann/frau- Erfahrung in d...

  • Restaurantleitung Sternerestaurant(m/w/d) (Chef de rang)

    Company Cordes Rieger Personalvermittlungs GmbH in Öhringen
    04.02.2025 Updated on: 05.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Jetzt bewerben und Zukunftschancen sichern!Unsere Personalvermittlung sucht ab sofort im Auftrag des Kunden:Restaurantleitung Sternerestaurant(m/w/d) im Raum HeilbronnOrt: Im Umkreis von HeilbronnLage: IdyllischArbeitszeit: VollzeitGröße: 50 - 100 ZimmerArt des Betriebes: Sternerestaurant eines exklusiven WellnesshotelIhre Aufgaben- Gastgeber*in aus Leidenschaft- Verantwortung für den Aufbau, die Koordinierung und die Führung des Serviceteams- Vorbildliche Gästebetreuung, Repräsentation und Kontaktpflege- Verantwortung für Budget, professionelles Reklamationsmanagement und faire Dienstplangestaltung- Hands-on-Mentalität zur Unterstützung und Motivation des Teams für reibungslose Abläufe- Regelmäßige Trainings und Schulungen für kontinuierliche TeamentwicklungIh...

  • Chef de Rang (Restaurantfachmann/-frau)

    Company Fauststube im Löwen GmbH in Staufen im Breisgau
    04.02.2025 Updated on: 05.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Sie sind engagiert, gut ausgebildet und brennen für unseren Beruf?Dann passen Sie in unser Team! Bei uns wartet ein abwechslungsreicher und interessanter Job auf Sie.Ihre Aufgabe wird es sein, sowohl im à la carte- als auch  im Bankettbereich selbstverantwortlich eine eigene Station zu leiten. Für unsere Azubis sind Sie ein Vorbild und Sie haben Freude daran, jungen Menschen unseren wunderbaren Beruf näher zu bringen.Wir - das heißt unser nettes Team - freut sich schon jetzt auf Sie!...

  • Commis de Rang (m/w/d) gesucht Urlaubsgeld, Weihnachtsgeld, 5 ...

    Company Rachensperger R Recruiting & Vermittlung e.U. in Kerpen
    03.02.2025 Updated on: 04.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Commis de Rang (m/w/d)Arbeitsort.Horrem, Kerpen (20 Minuten vom Kölner Dom)Arbeitgeber Info/StichwörterFür unseren Kunden suchen wir einen motivierten Commis de Rang (m/w/d). Du hast Freude am Gästeservice und möchtest erste Erfahrungen in einem renommierten und internationalen Arbeitsumfeld sammeln? Dann bewirb dich jetzt!Deine Aufgaben:Unterstützung des Serviceteams beim GästeserviceVor- und Nachbereitung der ServiceräumeBetreuung der Gäste in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Chef de RangsSicherstellung eines reibungslosen ServiceablaufsDein Profil:Abgeschlossene Ausbildung in der Gastronomie oder erste ServiceerfahrungFreundliches und aufgeschlossenes AuftretenTeamfähigkeit und Begeisterung für gehobenen ServiceDas bieten wir:Unbefristete Festanstellung in Vollz...

  • Chef de rang (m/w/d) (Chef de rang)

    Company Stella Hotelbetriebsgesellschaft mbH in Sonthofen

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Als feste Größe im süddeutschen Raum verspricht das AllgäuSternHotel einen Aufenthalt in neuen Dimensionen – für Urlauber wie Tagungsgäste. Hier, in traumhafter Lage, lässt sich Facettenreichtum der feinen Art erleben. So vielseitig unser Angebot ist, so abwechslungsreich ist auch Ihr Arbeitsalltag.In unserem Team begegnet man sich auf Augenhöhe. Wir halten zusammen, und gleichzeitig gibt es genügend Raum für Eigenverantwortung und Entfaltung. Wir suchen Macherinnen und Macher, die anpacken können und das Wohl des Gastes in den Vordergrund stellen. Übrigens: Das Allgäu und seine einmalige Natur machen auch freie Tage zu etwas Besonderem.Zur Verstärkung des Teams suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Eintrittstermin einen Chef de Rang (m/w/d) in Vollzeit.SO BRINGEN SIE...

  • Cook/ Chef de Partie (m/f/d) (Chef de rang)

    Company Restaurant MINA in Berlin
    02.02.2025 Updated on: 03.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Become a part of our groundbreaking project! Join our team ofgastronomy enthusiasts as a cook (m/f/d) who are dedicated to creatingone of Berlin's finest culinary and hospitality experiences. We areseeking like-minded individuals with a passion for food and wine, anda commitment to excellent service. Your Tasks: Preparing and servingthe dishes according to the restaurant’s specifications Maintaininghigh-quality food standards Ensuring professional handling of workequipment Supervising the goods, including ordering and proper storageYour Qualifications: Berlin Residence and Ready-to-Start Status arerequired Prior experience as a cook (m/f/d) or in a similar rolePassion for culinary arts and a strong desire to continuously improvecooking skills Knowledge of Itali...

  • Chef de Rang (m/w/d) / Commis de Rang (m/w/d) in Festanstellun...

    Company Kuro Mori GmbH in Freiburg im Breisgau
    02.02.2025 Updated on: 04.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über uns"Kuro Mori" ist japanisch und bedeutet "Schwarzer Wald", entsprechend das Motto in dem stylish-coolen Restaurant des Horbener Sternekochs Steffen Disch: "Black Forest meets Asia" (Kommentar des Guide MICHELIN).Aus der offenen Küche kommen interessante, nicht ganz alltägliche moderne Gerichte aus sehr guten Produkten. Nachhaltigkeit, Regionalität und Kreativität werden hier großgeschrieben. Modernes und lockeres Ambiente in schöner Freiburger Altstadtlage - Lunch, Daybar, Abendrestaurant, Nightlife.Das bieten wir dir:- Ein niveauvolles und kreatives Arbeitsumfeld mit der Möglichkeit, sich selbst mit neuen Ideen einzubringen und Betriebsabläufe zu verbessern- Mitarbeiter App mit minutengenauer Zeiterfassung- Lockerer, freundlicher Service in einem stylisc...

  • Chef de rang/Restaurantleiter (m/w/d) (Leiter/in - Gastronomie...

    Company Golf Resort Passau-Raßbach Hotel GmbH & Co. KG in Thyrnau
    02.02.2025 Updated on: 02.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Über unsHerzlich willkommen im Golf- und Landhotel Anetseder, ein wunderschönes 3Sterne Superior-Urlaubs- und Golfhotel in Raßbach im Bayerischen Wald.Unsere Gäste schätzen die hervorragende Küche, den wunderschönen Golfplatz und die gemütliche Wohlfühlatmosphäre durch unsere herzlichen Mitarbeiter.Unsere Mitarbeiter schätzen das positive Arbeitsklima, die Möglichkeit von Einbringen eigener Ideen, die top Ausstattung und die Top Bezahlung.Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir engagierte Mitarbeiter, die den Gästen zusammen mit uns ein wunderbares Urlaubserlebnis in einem gemütlichen Ambiente zum Wohlfühlen bieten.Senden Sie uns Ihre Bewerbung mit Foto oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt unter:  (Inhalt entfernt)Wir freuen uns auf Sie!Leonhard AnetsederDas biete...

  • Chef de Rang (m/w/d) (Chef de rang)

    Company KUL Gastro GmbH in Mannheim
    02.02.2025 Updated on: 05.02.2025

    Stellenangebotsbeschreibung: Wir suchen dich eine/n CHEF DE RANG (M/W/D)Ein richtig guter Arbeitsplatz:Spannung. Prickeln. Höchstleistung. Die 200 Sitzplätze auf der Terrasse sind komplett belegt. Gäste stehen am Eingang Schlange. Das Telefon klingelt. Dir ist heiß. Im Festsaal ein exklusives Menü für 100 Gäste. Es brummt um dich herum wie in einem Bienenstock. Du gibst dein Bestes. Du und dein Team. Es lohnt sich – die Gäste sind begeistert. Dein Orderman glüht. Du bist cool. Ihr rockt. Das Feierabendgetränk hast du dir heute besonders verdient. So wie gestern. So wie morgen. So wie jeden Tag. In deinem bootshaus.Deine Talente:- Du bringt entsprechende Berufserfahrung und Fachkenntnisse- Einen eigenen Stil. Lust und Spaß an gastronomischen Herausforderungen- Sicheres Auftreten- Kommunikat...

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(q) post content that contains restricted or password-only access pages, or hidden pages or images;

(r) solicit passwords or personally identifiable information from other Users;

(s) delete or alter any material posted by any other person or entity;

(t) harass, incite harassment or advocate harassment of any group, company, or individual;

(u) send unsolicited mail or email, make unsolicited phone calls or send unsolicited faxes promoting and/or advertising products or services to any User, or contact any users that have specifically requested not to be contacted by You;

(v) attempt to interfere with service to any User, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of submitting a virus to any Jobmonitor Site, overloading, "flooding", "spamming", "mailbombing" or "crashing";

(w) promote or endorse an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person's copyrighted work, such by as providing or making available pirated computer programs or links to them, providing or making available information tocircumvent manufacture-installed copy-protect devices, or providing or making available pirated music or other media or links to pirated music or other media files; or

(x) use the Jobmonitor Services for any unlawful purpose or any illegal activity, or post or submit any content, resume, or job posting that is defamatory, libelous, implicitly or explicitly offensive, vulgar, obscene, threatening, abusive, hateful, racist, discriminatory, of a menacing character or likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience, embarrassment, anxiety or could cause harassment to any person or include any links to pornographic, indecent or sexually explicit material of any kind, as determined by Jobmonitor’s discretion.

Violations of system or network security may result in civil and/or criminal liability. Jobmonitor will investigate occurrences which may involve such violations and may involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting Users who are involved in such violations.

3. Additional Terms Applicable to Employers.

Employers are solely responsible for their postings on Jobmonitor Sites. Jobmonitor is not to be considered to be an employer with respect to Your use of any Jobmonitor Site and Jobmonitor shall not be responsible for any employment decisions, for whatever reason, made by any entity posting jobs on any Jobmonitor Site.

You understand and acknowledge that if You cancel Your employer account or Your employer account is terminated, all Your account information from Jobmonitor, including saved resumes, network contacts, and email mailing lists, will be marked as deleted in and may be deleted from Jobmonitor's databases. Information may continue to be available for some period of time because of delays in propagating such deletion through Jobmonitor’s web servers.

In order to protect our Jobmonitor Users from commercial advertising or solicitation, Jobmonitor reserves the right to restrict the number of e-mails which an employer may send to Users to a number which Jobmonitor deems appropriate in its sole discretion. You shall use the Jobmonitor Networking and Profiles in accordance with all applicable privacy and data protection laws.

Job postings

A Job posting may not contain:

(a) any hyperlinks, other than those specifically authorized by Jobmonitor;

(b) misleading, unreadable, or "hidden" keywords, repeated keywords or keywords that are irrelevant to the job opportunity being presented, as determined in Jobmonitor’s reasonable discretion;

(c) the names, logos or trademarks of unaffiliated companies other than those of your customer save where expressly agreed by Jobmonitor;

(d) the names of colleges, cities, states, towns or countries that are unrelated to the posting;

(e) more than one job or job description, more than one location, or more than one job category, unless the product so allows;

(f) inaccurate, false, or misleading information; and

(g) material or links to material that exploits people in a sexual, violent or other manner, or solicits personal information from anyone under 18.

You may not use Your Jobmonitor job posting, Jobmonitor Networking, or Profiles to:

(a) post jobs in a manner that does not comply with applicable local, national and international laws, including but not limited to laws relating to labor and employment, equal employment opportunity and employment eligibility requirements, data privacy, data access and use, and intellectual property;

(b) post jobs that require citizenship of any particular country or lawful permanent residence in a country as a condition of employment, unless otherwise required in order to comply with law, regulations, executive order,or federal, state or local government contract;

(c) post jobs that include any screening requirement or criterion in connection with a job posting where such requirement or criterion is not an actual and legal requirement of the posted job;

(d) with respect to Profiles, determine a consumer's eligibility for: (i) credit or insurance for person, family, or household purposes; (ii) employment; or (iii) a government license of benefit.

(e)post jobs or other advertisements for competitors of Jobmonitor or post jobs or other content that contains links to any site competitive with Jobmonitor;

(f) sell, promote or advertise products or services;

(g) post any franchise, pyramid scheme, "club membership", distributorship, multi-level marketing opportunity, or sales representative agency arrangement;

(h) post any business opportunity that requires an up front or periodic payment or requires recruitment of other members, sub-distributors or sub-agents;

(i) post any business opportunity that pays commission only unless the posting clearly states that the available job pays commission only and clearly describes the product or service that the job seeker would be selling;

(j) promote any opportunity that does not represent bona fide employment which is generally indicated by the employer’s use of IRS forms W-2 or 1099;

(k) post jobs on any Jobmonitor Site for modeling, acting, talent or entertainment agencies or talent scouting positions;

(l) advertise sexual services or seek employees for jobs of a sexual nature;

(m) request the use of human body parts or the donation of human parts, including, without limitation, reproductive services such as egg donation and surrogacy;

(n) endorse a particular political party, political agenda, political position or issue;

(o) promote a particular religion;

(p) post jobs located in countries subject to economic sanctions of the Ireland Government; and

(q) except where allowed by applicable law, post jobs which require the applicant to provide information relating to his/her (i) racial or ethnic origin (ii) political beliefs (iii) philosophical or religious beliefs (iv) membership of a trade union (v) physical or mental health (vi) sexual life (vii) the commission of criminal offences or proceedings or (vii) age.

Jobmonitor reserves the right to remove any job posting or content from any Jobmonitor Site, which in the reasonable exercise of Jobmonitor’s discretion, does not comply with the above Terms, or if any content is posted that Jobmonitor believes is not in the best interest of Jobmonitor.

If at any time during Your use of the Jobmonitor Services, You made a misrepresentation of fact to Jobmonitor or otherwise misled Jobmonitor in regards to the nature of Your business activities, Jobmonitor will have grounds to terminate Your use of the Jobmonitor Services.

Resume Database

Use of the Jobmonitor Resume Database by Employers

You shall use the Jobmonitor Resume Database as provided in these Terms and in any contract You have with Jobmonitor. You shall use the Jobmonitor Resume Database in accordance with all applicable privacy and data protection laws, and You agree You shall not further disclose any of the data from Jobmonitor Resume Database to any third party, unless You are an authorized recruitment agency, staffing agency, advertising or other agency or using the resume explicitly for employment purposes.

You shall take appropriate physical, technical, and administrative measures to protect the data You have obtained from Jobmonitor Resume Database from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. You shall not share Resume Database seat-based license login credentials with any other party, nor share Resume Database pay-per-view license login credentials with any party.

The Jobmonitor Resume Database shall not be used:

(a) for any purpose other than as an employer seeking employees, including but not limited to advertising promotions, products, or services to any resume holders;

b) to make unsolicited phone calls or faxes or send unsolicited mail, email, or newsletters to resume holders or to contact any individual unless they have agreed to be contacted (where consent is required or, if express consent is not required, who has not informed you that they do not want to be contacted); or

(c) to source candidates or to contact job seekers or resume holders in regards to career fairs and business opportunities prohibited by Section 3.

In order to ensure a safe and effective experience for all of our customers, Jobmonitor reserves the right to limit the amount of data (including resume views) that may be accessed by You in any given time period. These limits may be amended in Jobmonitor’s sole discretion from time to time.

Use of TalentBin Profiles

You shall use the TalentBin services and TalentBin profiles as provided in these Terms, any contract You have with Jobmonitor, and the in accordance with the following:

a You may only use the TalentBin services to identify candidates for possible recruitment and make initial contact with such candidates.

b You may not use the TalentBin profiles as a factor in determining any consumer’s eligibility for employment, retention, or promotion.

c You may not review the TalentBin profiles of persons employed by You or persons who have already expressed interest in employment with You outside of the TalentBin services.

4. Additional terms applicable to Job Seekers.

When You register with any Jobmonitor Site, You will be asked to create an account and provide Jobmonitor with certain information including, without limitation, a valid email address (Your "Information").

Any Profile You submit must be accurate and describe You, an individual person. The Profile requires standard fields to be completed and you may not include in these fields any telephone numbers, street addresses, email addresses or other means of contacting You, other than Your last name and URLs.

You acknowledge and agree that You are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any resume or material contained therein placed by You on the Jobmonitor Sites.

Jobmonitor reserves the right to offer third party services and products to You based on the preferences that You identify in Your registration and at any time thereafter or you have agreed to receive, such offers may be made by Jobmonitor or by third parties. Please see Jobmonitor's Privacy Policy, for further details regarding Your Information.

You understand and acknowledge that You have no ownership rights in Your account and that if You cancel Your Jobmonitor account or Your Jobmonitor account is terminated, all Your account information from Jobmonitor, including resumes, Profiles, cover letters, saved jobs, questionnaires will be marked as deleted in and may be deleted from Jobmonitor's databases and will be removed from any public area of the Jobmonitor Sites. Information may continue to be available for some period of time because of delays in propagating such deletion through Jobmonitor’s web servers. In addition, third parties may retain saved copies of Your Information.

Jobmonitor reserves the right to delete Your account and all of Your Information after a significant duration of inactivity.

5. User Content and Submissions.

You understand that all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, advertisements, messages or other materials submitted, posted or displayed by You on or through a Jobmonitor Site ("User Content") is the sole responsibility of the person from which such User Content originated. Jobmonitor claims no ownership or control over any User Content. You or a third party licensor, as appropriate, retain all patent, trademark and copyright to any User Content you submit, post or display on or through Jobmonitor and you are responsible for protecting those rights, as appropriate. By submitting, posting or displaying User Content on or through Jobmonitor, you grant Jobmonitor a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, adapt, distribute and publish such User Content through Jobmonitor. CV’s can be converted, spam filtered and only then submitted to corporations. If you don’t agree to the terms they will be not converted or spam filtered. In addition, by submitting, posting or displaying User Content which is intended to be available to the general public, you grant Jobmonitor a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, adapt, distribute and publish such User Content for the purpose of promoting Jobmonitor and its services. Jobmonitor will discontinue this licensed use within a commercially reasonable period after such User Content is removed from Jobmonitor. Jobmonitor reserves the right to refuse to accept, post, display or transmit any User Content in its sole discretion.

You also represent and warrant that You have the right to grant, or that the holder of any rights, including moral rights in such content has completely and effectively waived all such rights and validly and irrevocably granted to You the right to grant, the license stated above. If You post User Content in any public area of any Jobmonitor Site, You also permit any User to access, display, view, store and reproduce such User Content for personal use. Subject to the foregoing, the owner of such User Content placed on any Jobmonitor Site retains any and all rights that may exist in such User Content. Jobmonitor may review and remove any User Content that, in its solejudgment, violates these Terms, violates applicable laws, rules or regulations, is abusive, disruptive, offensive or illegal, or violates the rights of, or harms or threatens the safety of, Users of any Jobmonitor Site. Jobmonitor reserves the right to expel Users and prevent their further access to the Jobmonitor Sites and/or use of Jobmonitor Services for violating the Terms or applicable laws, rules or regulations. Jobmonitor may take any action with respect to User Content that it deems necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion if it believes that such User Content could create liability for Jobmonitor, damage Jobmonitor’s brand or public image, or cause Jobmonitor to lose Users or (in whole or in part) the services of its ISPs or other suppliers.

Jobmonitor does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of User Content, derivative works from User Content, or any other communications posted by Users nor does Jobmonitor endorse any opinions expressed by Users. You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted by other Users will be at Your own risk.

The following is a partial list of User Content that is prohibited on the Application. The list below is for illustration only and is not a complete list of all prohibited User Content.

Content that:

• is implicitly or explicitly offensive, such as User Content that engages in, endorses or promotes racism, bigotry, discrimination, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;

• harasses, incites harassment or advocates harassment of any group or individual;

• involves the transmission of “junk mail”, “chain letters,” or unsolicited mass mailing, “spamming” or “phishing”;

• promotes or endorses false or misleading information or illegal activities or conduct that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or libelous;

• promotes or endorses an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person's copyrighted work, such as providing or making available pirated computer programs or links to them, providing or making available information to circumvent manufacture-installed copy-protect devices, or providing or making available pirated music or other media or links to pirated music or other media files;

• contains restricted or password only access pages, or hidden pages or images;

• displays or links to pornographic, indecent or sexually explicit material of any kind;

• provides or links to material that exploits people under the age of 18 in a sexual, violent or other manner, or solicits personal information from anyone under 18; or

• provides instructional information about illegal activities or other activities prohibited by these Terms, including without limitation, making or buying illegal weapons, violating someone's privacy, providingor creating computer viruses or pirating any media; and

• solicits passwords or personal identifying information from other Users.

Any Profile You submit must describe You, an individual person. Examples of inappropriate and prohibited Profiles include, but are not limited to, Profiles that purport to represent an animal, place, inanimate object, fictional character, or real individual that is not You.

You may not include, in any User Content submitted to Jobmonitor Networking, information that may be interpreted as a direct solicitation, advertisement or recruitment for an available job position directed to individuals seeking employment on either a full time or part time basis. In order to protect our Jobmonitor Community Users from commercial advertising or solicitation, Jobmonitor reserves the right to restrict the number of e-mails or other messages which a User may send to other Users to a number which Jobmonitor deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

Profiles derived from User Content may also be made available through the Jobmonitor Sites. Jobmonitor does not make any representations regarding the accuracy or validity of such derived works or their appropriateness forevaluation by employers. Derived Profiles may differ significantly from User Content.

We appreciate hearing from our Users and welcome Your comments regarding our services and the Jobmonitor Sites. Please be advised, however, that our policy does not permit us to accept or consider creative ideas, suggestions, inventions or materials other than those which we have specifically requested. While we do value Your feedback on our services, please be specific in Your comments regarding our services and do not submit creative ideas, inventions, suggestions, or materials. If, despite our request, You send us creative suggestions, ideas, drawings, concepts, inventions, or other information (collectively the "Submission"), the Submission shall be the propertyof Jobmonitor. None of the Submission shall be subject to any obligation of confidentiality on our part and we shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Submission. Jobmonitor shall own exclusively all now known orlater discovered rights to the Submission and shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the Submission for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to You or any other person.

6. Identification Of Agent To Receive Notification And Elements Of Notification Of Claimed Copyright or Trademark Infringement.

If You believe that Your copyrighted work or trademark has been uploaded, posted or copied to any Jobmonitor Site and is accessible on such Jobmonitor Site in a way that constitutes copyright or trademark infringement, please contact Jobmonitor

7. Policy Regarding Termination Of Users Who Infringe The Copyright Or Other Intellectual Property Rights Of Others.

Jobmonitor respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our Users and content partners to do the same. The unauthorized posting, reproduction, copying, distribution, modification, public display or public performance of copyrighted works constitutes infringement of the copyright owners rights. As a condition to Your use of the Jobmonitor Sites, You agree not to use any Jobmonitor Site to infringe the intellectual property rights of others in any way. Jobmonitor reserves the right to terminate the accounts of any Users, and block access to the Jobmonitor Sites of any Users who are repeat infringers of the copyrights, or other intellectual property rights,of others. Jobmonitor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to take these actions to limit access to the Site and/or terminate the accounts of any time, in our sole discretion Users who infringe any intellectual property rights of others, whether or not there is any repeat infringement, with or without notice, and without any liability to the User who is terminated or to the User whose access is blocked. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in theevent that You believe in good faith that a notice of copyright infringement has been wrongly filed against You, please contact Jobmonitor as set forth in Section 6 above.

8. Jobmonitor's Liability.

The Jobmonitor Sites act as, among other things, venues for (i) employers to post job opportunities and search for and evaluate job candidates and (ii) candidates to post resumes and Profiles and search for and evaluate job opportunities. Jobmonitor does not screen or censor the listings, including Profiles offered. Jobmonitor is not involved in, and does not control, the actual transaction between employers and candidates. As a result, Jobmonitor is not responsible for User Content, the quality, safety or legality of the jobs or resumes posted, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of employers to offer job opportunities to candidates or the ability ofcandidates to fill job openings and Jobmonitor makes no representations about any jobs, resumes or User Content on the Jobmonitor Sites. While Jobmonitor reserves the right in its sole discretion to remove User Content, job postings, resumes or other material from the Jobmonitor Sites from time to time, Jobmonitor does not assume any obligation to do so and to the extent permitted by law, disclaims any liability for failing to take any such action.

Jobmonitor Networking provides a venue for individuals to network for professional and personal purposes and Jobmonitor does not screen or censor the Profiles or User Content on the Jobmonitor Sites. Jobmonitor is not involved in the actual communications between Users. As a result, Jobmonitor has no control over the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the Profiles or User Content submitted on the Jobmonitor Sites and makes norepresentations about any Profile or User Content on the Jobmonitor Sites.

Note that there are risks, including but not limited to the risk of physical harm, of dealing with strangers, underage persons or people acting under false pretenses. You assume all risks associated with dealing with otherusers with whom You come in contact through the Jobmonitor Sites. By its very nature other people’s information may be offensive, harmful or inaccurate, and in some cases will be mislabeled or deceptively labeled. We expect that You will use caution and common sense when using the Jobmonitor Sites.

Because User authentication on the Internet is difficult, Jobmonitor cannot and does not confirm that each User is who they claim to be. Because we do not and cannot be involved in User-to-User dealings or control the behavior of participants on any Jobmonitor Site, in the event that You have a dispute with one or more Users, You release Jobmonitor (and our agents and employees) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential and direct and indirect) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes to the fullest extent permitted by law.

The Jobmonitor Sites and the Jobmonitor Content may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Jobmonitor makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of any Jobmonitor Site or the Jobmonitor Content. The use of all Jobmonitor Sites and the Jobmonitor Content is at Your own risk. Changes are periodically made to Jobmonitor Sites and may be made at any time. Jobmonitor cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from use of any Jobmonitor Site. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by a User from Jobmonitor or through or from any Jobmonitor Site shall create any warranty not expressly stated herein.

If You are a California resident, You waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor."

Jobmonitor encourages You to keep a back-up copy of any of Your User Content. To the extent permitted by law, in no event shall Jobmonitor be liable for the deletion, loss, or unauthorized modification of any User Content.

Jobmonitor does not provide or make any representation as to the quality or nature of any of the third party products or services purchased through any Jobmonitor Site, or any other representation, warranty or guaranty. Any such undertaking, representation, warranty or guaranty would be furnished solely by the provider of such third party products or services, under the terms agreed to by the provider.

If You believe that something on the Site violates these Terms please contact our designated agent set forth in Section 6 above.

If notified of any content or other materials which allegedly do not conform to these Terms, Jobmonitor may in its sole discretion investigate the allegation and determine whether to remove or request the removal of the content. Jobmonitor has no liability or responsibility to Users for performance or nonperformance of such activities.

9. Disclaimer of Warranty.


10. Disclaimer of Consequential Damages.


11. Limitation of Liability.


12. Links to Other Sites.

The Jobmonitor Sites contain links to third party Web sites. These links are provided solely as a convenience to You and not as an endorsement by Jobmonitor of the contents on such third-party Web sites. Jobmonitor is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of materials on such third party Web sites. If You decide to access linked third-party Web sites, You do so at Your own risk.

13. No Resale or Unauthorized Commercial Use.

You agree not to resell or assign Your rights or obligations under these Terms. You also agree not to make any unauthorized commercial use of any Jobmonitor Site.

14. Indemnity.

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Jobmonitor, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from (i) any User Content or other material You provide to any Jobmonitor Site, (ii) Your use of any Jobmonitor Content, or (iii) Your breach of these Terms. Jobmonitorshall provide notice to You promptly of any such claim, suit, or proceeding.

15. General.

Jobmonitor makes no claims or representations that the Jobmonitor Content may be lawfully viewed or accessed outside of Ireland. Access to the Jobmonitor Content may not be legal by certain persons or in certain countries.If You access any Jobmonitor Site You do so at Your own risk and are responsible for compliance with the laws of Your jurisdiction. Any software downloaded from any Jobmonitor Site is further subject to Ireland export controllaws, and may not be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported (i) into (or to a national or resident of) Cuba, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Iran, Syria or any other country to which the U.S. has embargoed goods or (ii) toany individual or entity on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Deny Orders. By downloading or using such software, You represent and warrant that You are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country, individual, or entity on any such list.

These Terms are governed by the internal substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without respect to its conflict of laws principles. Jurisdiction for any claims arising under this agreement shall lie exclusively with the state or federal courts within Boston, Massachusetts. If any provision of these Terms are found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of these Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term. In addition, Jobmonitor’s failure to enforce any term of these Terms shall not be deemed as a waiver of such term or otherwise affect Jobmonitor’s ability to enforce such term at any point in the future. Except as expressly provided in an additional agreement, additional Terms for certain areas of the Jobmonitor Sites, a particular "Legal Notice," or software license or material on particular pages on the Jobmonitor Sites, these Terms constitute the entire agreement between You and Jobmonitor with respect to the use of the Jobmonitor Sites. No changes to these Terms shall be made except by a revised posting on this page.

16. Additional Terms.

Certain areas of the Jobmonitor Sites are subject to additional Terms. By using such areas, or any part thereof, You agree to be bound by the additional Terms applicable to such areas. By using any areas of this website orthe other Jobmonitor Sites that contain Google Maps, you agree to be bound by the Google Maps Terms of Use available at and the legal notices available at as they may be updated from time to time.

17. Mobile Services.

If You use the Jobmonitor Sites through a mobile device, You agree that information about Your use of the Jobmonitor Sites through Your mobile device and carrier may be communicated to us, including but not limited to Yourmobile carrier, Your mobile device, or Your physical location. In addition, use of the Jobmonitor Sites through a mobile device may cause data to be displayed on and through Your mobile device. By accessing the Jobmonitor Sites using a mobile device, You represent that to the extent You import any of Your Jobmonitor data to Your mobile device that You have authority to share the transferred data with Your mobile carrier or other access provider. In the event You change or deactivate Your mobile account, You must promptly update Your Jobmonitor account information to ensure that Your messages are not sent to the person that acquires Your old number and failure to do so is Your responsibility. You acknowledge You are responsible for all charges and necessary permissions related to accessing the Jobmonitor Sites through Your mobile access provider. Therefore, You should check with Your provider to find out if the Jobmonitor Sites are available and the terms for these services for Your specific mobile devices.

By using any downloadable application to enable Your use of the Jobmonitor Sites, You are explicitly confirming Your acceptance of the terms of the End User License Agreement associated with the Application provided at download or installation, or as may be updated from time to time.

18. Term and Termination.

These Terms will remain in full force and effect while You are a User of any Jobmonitor Site. Jobmonitor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to pursue all of its legal remedies, including but not limited to removalof Your User Content from the Jobmonitor Sites and immediate termination of Your registration with or ability to access the Jobmonitor Sites and/or any other services provided to You by Jobmonitor, upon any breach by You of these Terms or if Jobmonitor is unable to verify or authenticate any information You submit to a Jobmonitor Site registration. Even after You are no longer a User of the Jobmonitor Sites, certain provisions of these Terms will remain in effect, including Sections 1, 2, 5, 7 through 16, inclusive.

Update effective March 2020

Summary of Changes – effective March 2020

We’ve revised the Terms of Use to include new communications tools available on Jobmonitor and the possible collection by Jobmonitor of information about You from publicly-available websites to create or add to a Profile on Jobmonitor.

Data Controller: Sole Trader Harald Stuckler

ICO Registration Number: ZA458773

Contact: Bachstrasse 1, 9606 Butschwil, Switzerland

Telephone: +41 43 50 80 250

Email: email

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